{The Cox Family}


There are no words to tell you how much I love this family.  And seriously this is somehow the first time they’ve made it to the (new and improved!!) blog!!  I’m turning over a new blogging leaf so stay with me!!  I’m trying!!

Aaron and Amanda are officially my very first and most loyal clients ever.  (And I say clients but for reals they were always friends!!)  Beautiful Caroline was my very first newborn and I’ve been incredibly blessed to photograph this awesome family as they have grown over the years.  From squishy little newborns to stink face giving toddlers.  And I love every minute of it!!!  They let me test out my crazy ideas and stick with me as I learn about photography and growing my business.  These guys are my biggest supporters and I love them for it!!  Amanda reminded me that the last time we did photos at the Lions Bridge in Newport News, Caroline was Zachary sized and Nathan was just a baby!!  WHAT???

I really can’t say enough about these guys.  Even on an “off” day, these kiddos are just the sweetest.  (Even that time we tried to freeze Nathan at his 6 month pictures and I was sure he’d hate me forever!!)  And Aaron and Amanda are the parents I want to be when I grow up.  PS guys, if anyone’s asking me, I fully support another C baby in the future… or a puppy… whichever!!  I mean you guys just make the best kids.  But no one asked me!!!

Thank you SO much for supporting me along this journey!!  Until next time, friends!!!  I can’t wait!!!





One thought on “{The Cox Family}

  1. Amanda says:

    We love all our pictures Ms. Maggie and you are the sweetest!! It’s always so much fun to come hang out and see what shots you get. They’re amazing every time!! And I’ll take all the support I can get for another baby! Now, if only that actually helped me convince Aaron!

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