New {School} Year’s Resolution



FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!  FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!  I can’t believe all of these sweet faces will be in school this year!!

It’s the start of a new school year so what better time to reflect and make some New {School} Year’s resolutions.  It’s so nice to start fresh with a clean slate.  All the crazy of the end of school (and let’s be real, the summer) are behind us.  Let’s kick this thing off on the right foot!  So I’ve been thinking about some things I can do to make the best of this year.  Here’s a list of some of my resolutions…


Mornings will start a little earlier so we aren’t so rushed out of the door.  No yelling!

Breakfast at the table – together!

I will stay on top of papers that come home from my kids’ teachers, be involved when I can, and support my teachers however I can.  But I promise to always give my BEST YES, and not overcommit.

I will lunch with the big kids at least once a month.

After school, I want to know three things: Tell me something good, tell me something not so good, and tell me who you were a good friend to (and how).

I will give homework time my full attention and not have flashes of PTSD 5 minutes into a math worksheet.

We will read more together.

We will play more together.

We will walk more and whine less.

I will pray for my kids’ schools, teachers, and friends.


And when NONE of those things happen… I promise to give myself grace, move on, and try again.

I will not let anything steal the joy of motherhood.


Patience.  Grace.


Let all that you do be done with love.   – 1 Corinthians 16:14


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